Tier 2: Clearing the Path


Step into the transformative world of “Clearing the Path,” where the energy of four manifestations, four manifestation candles or an image candle, guided meditation, incense or smudge stick, and bath salts converge to create a harmonious and purified atmosphere for your growth. This transformative package empowers you to clear the way for positive change and…


Step into the transformative world of “Clearing the Path,” where the energy of four manifestations, four manifestation candles or an image candle, guided meditation, incense or smudge stick, and bath salts converge to create a harmonious and purified atmosphere for your growth. This transformative package empowers you to clear the way for positive change and manifestation.

What’s included in the “Clearing the Path” package:

  1. Four Manifestations:
    Unleash the power of manifestation with four specific desires or intentions. Our experienced guides will work closely with you to clear any energetic obstacles and align your vibrations with the frequencies of your aspirations.
  2. Four Manifestation Candles or Image Candle:
    Illuminate your intentions with four charged manifestation candles or a special image candle, expertly chosen to amplify your manifestations. These candles will serve as beacons, guiding your energy towards the path of positive change.
  3. Four-Week Course with Guidance and Updates:
    Elevate your spiritual journey with a comprehensive four-week course led by our expert. You will receive personalized guidance, empowering you to unleash your true potential and elevate your vibrations with weekly 1-hr sessions with Mella.
  4. Incense or Smudge Stick:
    Purify your surroundings and invite positive energy into your space with high-quality incense or a smudge stick, carefully selected to elevate your spiritual experience.
  5. Bath Salts / Cleanse Physical Body:
    Nurture your body, mind, and soul with specially crafted bath salts, infused with cleansing and purifying properties. This ritual will help you release stagnant energies and renew your sense of vitality.

Complimentary Closing Reading
As a special gift to you, enjoy a complimentary closing reading, providing insights and guidance on your journey thus far. Our guides will impart intuitive wisdom to support your continued growth.

Bonus Addition:
2 Crystals Curated for You or Bracelet

As an exquisite bonus, our guides will intuitively select two crystals tailored to your unique energy and intentions. Alternatively, you may choose a specially crafted bracelet to serve as a talisman of empowerment and alignment.

Embrace the transformative energy of “Clearing the Path” and take charge of your destiny. Unlock the full potential of your spiritual journey as you radiate Pure Radiance and pave the way for a life of abundance and harmony.


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